If you are interested in membership, please review the information below and send an email expressing your interest to our Membership Chair, Louise Herring at LMHpaint@gmail.com
Criteria for Membership:
Quality of body of work
Working artist – commitment to producing new artwork
Participation in at least three art exhibitions (including at least one juried art exhibition) in the last two years
Internet presence (website preferred), computer savvy
Responsive to communication by email in a timely fashion
Commitment to community outreach
Group commitment – active involvement with committees and attending monthly meetings
Members must attend monthly meetings that meet from 10:30 am - Noon, the second Wednesday of the month, excluding July and August.
Apply for Membership:
Please email your resume, bio and Artist Statement,
along with answers to the following questions, to Louise Herring, Chair of Membership at LMHpaint@gmail.com.
Why do you want to join ARTsisters?
What skills can you contribute to the group? Which committee (exhibition venues, public relations/communications, website, programming, social media) would you like to serve on?
What are your art goals and where would you like to see yourself in five years?
In what shows have you exhibited in the last two years? Which ones were juried?
After preliminary review by the membership committee, eligible artists will be invited to meet with the committee for an interview and to present 3 pieces of original work. The committee will use a point system to assess each applicant. The membership committee chairperson will then contact the applicants after all interviews are completed.
Please note: For accepted artists, there is a 6-month trial period. Membership dues will be returned during this trial period if a new member artist does not feel that she can continue as a member of ARTsisters. Membership dues for new members are $100; continuing artists will pay dues of $75 per year. Dues are to be paid by September 30th.